Meet Style Icon Mona Ali - The founder & CEO of model agency Fiiri Agency. When you've visited her Instagram profile once, you never want to stop scrolling. Her style is so inspiring and she's C-H-I-C in a person. Follow @monamali_ and let yourself get inspired by all her beautiful creations, also called outfits.
"Where I'm at right now in life It's both hard, joyful, magical and amazing. When I first started Fiiri Agency in 2019 I didn't dream about being my own boss, but now It's the most rewarding thing and the most stressful thing at the same time. Just like how life is, in terms of balance. Looking back, we are 3 years old now, we have almost 80 models, we are signing models internationally which is amazing! Going more international with the business is the key. Finding and building a great team is also something I'm working on right now. We have this amazing and beautiful office - everyday when I'm coming here I'm so happy that I got my own desk and that I can hang pictures up on the walls. I've been sitting on co-working spaces for such a long time and I really wanted to have pictures of our models up on the wall. So being able to do that is so rewarding and I'm so excited. Another really exciting thing happening is that I'm getting married in literally about 2 weeks. I just can't believe I'm starting this new journey. How I would describe my life right now is just opportunities, possibilities, joy, love and excitement. It's like entering a new era in my life and I'm just excited to see what happens next. So stay tuned!"
We asked Mona a few questions...
Mona in The Brenda Serpent
- What does shoes mean to you?
For me its like walking down your path, every step you take each day kind of defines where you're going. So wherever you're heading to, you need to feel confident and comfortable because that defines your whole day I would say. I love wearing heels - I feel so confident, like I stand up tall. So shoes for me kind of defines my path in my day to day life, both in work and life in general.
Mona in The Brenda Serpent
- 3 must haves for you in your closet?
A really good blazer, I don't know what that means to people but for me It's confidence. You can dress it up, you can dress it down. A pair of good jeans is a must as well. Also, a pair of killer heels that goes with everything! I'm more of a heel girl, I love to wear heels more than any other shoe. I would say a pair of comfortable heels that feels like walking in sandals. People always asking me where I'm going and I'm like: I'm going nowhere, I'm going to get food. Can I not look good? Let me look good. Haha!

Mona in The Jennie Silver
- Do you have any styling tips when putting together your outfit for the day?
For me it depends on what my hair looks like... It's such an interesting thing because depending on what hair style I do, that kind of defines the style that I have. I always do my hair and makeup before I pick out my clothes. If I have braids I would probably wear 90's inspired clothes, If I have a short bob or slick back hair I would feel more elegant and glamorous. I don't wear super basic things even though the individual things can be basic. When I start putting on clothes it has to make me confident. I ask myself what I want to feel that day. Do I want to be cool? Do I want to be elegant or edgy? Depending what I'm feeling like, that's the vibe I'm going for. I could wear the same thing two days in a row but style it differently each day.
Mona in The Jennie Silver
- What is your favorite shoe (heel, sneaker, sandal etc.)
I would say heeled sandals - you get the best of both worlds! You slip them through, they feel comfortable, I get a bit of height and they make me feel confident. You can wear them with jeans, pretty dresses, casual dresses while running around town. They just goes with everything! So heeled sandals is definitely my favourite kind of shoe and that's why I love The Jennie Silver!

Mona in The Brenda Serpent
- Do you have any favourite Blankens shoe?
It's hard to pick because I have quite a few! I think for me my first Blankens shoes that I got would be the most special ones - The Vanessa Tall Umber Croc. I think they will always be my favoruite shoes from Blankens. I also found a pair that I literally wanted to run out of your show with. It was The Malin that has furry material, suede and all my favourite things. I can't wait to wear them when they're out!
Mona in The Jennie Silver