This is where the magic happens! All our shoes and bags are made in small factories in Portugal. Each step in the production process is handled by a skilled crafts person that stitches, cuts, sews or glues and polish in more than 40 different steps and stations before a new pair of Blankens shoes or one of our bags, is boxed and ready to ship to our Warehouse in Borås, Sweden.
By keeping our production close we reduce the negative impact of shipping. All our products are manufactured in Portugal, a country with a rich history of craftsmanship and shoe design. We collaborate with a handful of small factories, all powered by 100 percent renewable energy and all our products are made under strict European environmental regulations, by skilled craftsmen and women.
Our materials are sourced in Europe, and the chrome-free leathers are tanned in the EU. We also use other sustainable materials such as vegetable tanned leather, eco-leather and alternative materials made from recycled plastic. The business of production is ever-changing along with new sustainable solutions being invented and implemented. We are dedicated to always improve and adapt to ensure that both our production and our business model are sustainable.